Centrul pentru Studiul Conflictelor, FSPAC, UBB

Programe educaționale
Programului de licenţă în limba română propune o abordare interdisciplinară a studiului conflictelor, combinând discipline din domeniul istoriei, sociologiei, antropologiei, științelor politice și relațiilor internaționale, științelor administrative și comunicării. Totodată, punem bazele dezvoltării de abilități personale prin discipline precum procese decisionale, negocieri, mediare, comunicare eficientă, gândire critică și scriere academică.
Citește mai mult despre programul de licență aici.
International Master Program in Conflict Analysis and Management
Founded in 2005
Welcome to the International Master Program in Conflict Analysis and Management, a pioneering academic initiative dedicated to equipping aspiring leaders with the knowledge and skills to address the complexities of conflict resolution in today’s world. Established in 2005, our program has been at the forefront of promoting peacebuilding and diplomacy on a global scale. With a rich history of academic excellence and practical application, we offer students a dynamic learning environment where theory meets practice, and where innovation thrives.
Program Overview:
Our program offers a comprehensive curriculum designed to provide students with a deep understanding of conflict dynamics, coupled with practical skills in negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution strategies. Rooted in interdisciplinary approaches, our courses draw from fields such as sociology, psychology, political science, and law to provide a holistic understanding of conflicts at various levels—from interpersonal disputes to international crises. Starting from Fall 2024, our master will have two tracks of specialization:
- Global Conflict Resolution Leaders
Focused on social and international conflict studies, this track prepares students to tackle complex conflicts on a global scale. Through in-depth analysis of geopolitical dynamics, diplomatic strategies, and intercultural communication, students will develop the expertise needed to navigate diverse cultural contexts and contribute to sustainable peacebuilding efforts worldwide.
- Harmony Masters: Leaders of Tomorrow
Targeted towards interpersonal and organizational conflict resolution, this track equips students with the skills to foster harmony within communities and workplaces. By exploring theories of conflict management, team dynamics, and leadership development, students will learn to navigate interpersonal conflicts with empathy, integrity, and resilience, ultimately becoming catalysts for positive change within organizations and society at large.
You can learn more about our list of course by accessing this link
Why Choose Our Program?
- Experienced Faculty: Learn from renowned scholars and practitioners with expertise in conflict resolution and peacebuilding.
- Practical Learning: Engage in experiential learning opportunities, including simulations, case studies, and internships, to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings.
- Global Perspective: Join a diverse cohort of students from around the world, gaining exposure to a wide range of perspectives and experiences.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with alumni and professionals in the field through networking events, conferences, and guest lectures.
- Career Development: Benefit from personalized career guidance and support, preparing you for a wide range of career paths in diplomacy, international development, NGOs, and more.
Admissions Information:
Our program welcomes applications from highly motivated individuals with a passion for conflict resolution and peacebuilding. Applicants are evaluated based on a face-to-face motivational interview and a statement of purpose outlining their goals and aspirations. Scholarships and financial aid options are available for eligible candidates.
Apply Now and Shape the Future:
Join us in our mission to foster peace, understanding, and cooperation in a world plagued by conflict. Apply now to the International Master Program in Conflict Analysis and Management and embark on a journey towards becoming a leader of change in your community and beyond.
Sub egida Școlii Doctorale de Științe Administrative, CSC oferă posibilitatea elaborării de teze de doctorat în specializarea Managementul Conflictelor, program de studii destinat în special managerilor de organizații publice, private sau non-profit. Teza poate fi redactată și susținută atât în limba română cât și în limba engleză (la alegere), o oportunitate care deschide calea spre internaționalizarea programelor de studii ale FSPAC și UBB.
Mai multe informații cu privire la Școala Doctorală de Științe Administrative poți găsi aici.
Cursurile de perfecționare profesională a adulților fac parte din strategia de deschidere a FSPAC spre comunitate și oferă posibilitatea de achiziționare a unor abilități și competențe specializate în domeniul negocierii, medierii, soluționării disputelor, comunicării eficiente etc. Cursurile pot și adaptate nevoilor fiecărui partener instituțional sau grup organizat.
Mai multe detalii despre cursurile deschise poți găsi aici.